Making Your Green Home

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Making Your Green Home

By Julia Scott

Looking to get your house humming green? In 2010 we're completely full of great advice from every corner of the internet. We've done a little informal survey and put together these 5 tips on how to get yourself started on saving money and living green! Check them out:

#5: Pretend You're Tasked With Saving Money.

Walk around your house like you've been tasked with reducing the energy budget severely. Go around with a clipboard, taking notes and pretending as though you need to shave off several hundred dollars from your company's energy budget and they've tasked you with the job because only you have the smarts to pull it off.

#4: Investments Today Save You Money in the Future.

There are several things you can buy that represent an up-front cost but a long-term savings. Put some money aside to upgrade to these things -- better power bars you can automatically shut off. Smart power meters that regulate your household's energy expenditure better. Toilet upgrades that use far less water. The list is endless.

#3: Learn From the Old World.

Many people all over Europe don't use dryers. Sure, it's warmer in places like Spain or Italy, but even throughout Germany, where there are plenty of cold, humid winters, people are sticking with the good old-fashioned drying rack. Shift your mindset, slow things down, and save a ton of energy.

#2: Alternative Energy Sources are Possible.

It's an ideal period to look at getting a bit of power into your house from 'off' the grid -- get some solar panels or a miniature turbine and see if a little investment up-front can't help you out. It might be costly now, but prices continue to drop tremendously.

#1: Keep Up With Environmental News.

Wonder about the latest green news when it comes to energy saving breakthroughs and beyond? Don't just rely on your paper or heresay to get that info -- subscribe to an email newsletter or RSS feed and find out what's going on.

About the Author:
For Environmental regulation news, renewable energy opportunities and green business ideas go to - an environment news website with tons of useful info on Green Movement.
for careers visit career basics

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